contact us for a free, no obligation discussion of your needs - 281.858.3271

About The Company

Product Acuity is a trade name for DooWooWoo, LLC, a privately held Texas limited liability corporation located in The Woodlands, Texas (greater Houston area).  Founded in 2002, DooWooWoo, LLC provides services through the two related businesses listed below.  DooWooWoo, LLC is a Dunn & Bradstreet (D&B) listed company.

new logoUnder our trade name of Product Acuity Consulting we provide Innovation Oxygen TM, a suite of Innovation Management Consulting services focused on helping clients sustain growth and competitive advantage in the face of changing market conditions.. These services include innovation capability assessments, value proposition development, business model innovation, product development process improvements, creation of strategic marketing, business, and product plans, contract product management and project management services, product management training, and interim executive leadership. 
DWW LogoUnder our corporate name of DooWooWoo LLC, we create, deliver, operate, and support open-source based websites and other interactive Internet applications used for data collection, marketing and concept testing, and other information sharing and knowledge management activities. Offerings include personal and business websites, virtual communities, private intranets, on-line discussion groups, extra-nets, project team websites, online survey platforms, and concept testing prototypes.

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